
Rhinovita works to regularly moisten, soothe and nourish the nasal mucosa.

The nasal mucosa:


warms and moistens the air entering the respiratory tract


filters and removes external agents, by means of the movement of the epithelial cells’ cilia


secretes mucus

When should the products be used?

Composed primarily of vitamin A, vitamin E and essential oils, Rhinovita is an effective treatment for:

  • the common cold (in winter) and allergies (especially in spring and summer)
  • irritation of the nasal mucosa by irritants including aspirin, alcohol and cold weather
  • nasal mucosa damaged by sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, atrophic rhinitis and nosebleeds
  • irritations linked to snoring, the use of CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure therapy) in the event of sleep apnoea
  • prevention and relief of minor and local irritation caused by wearing a face mask.

Naturally powerful

Composed primarily of vitamin A, vitamin E and essential oils, Rhinovita is an effective treatment for minor irritation and redness around and in the nostrils.